
lunes, 18 de marzo de 2013

The amazonian rainforest is tremendously abundant in animal life, the ecosystem of this is populated by insects, Arachnids, reptiles, amphibians, birds and mammals. Here are some of them:
 •Spider monkey: inhabits the Amazon (canopy) canopy, feeding on fruits, seeds and leaves. It develops up to approx 66 cm in length, excluding its long and powerful tail.In fact, loves to be suspended head down the branches of the trees. Other varieties of primates León Dorado includes whistling monkey, four-eyed species, hawler, chichilo, etc.
 •Golden Lion Tamarin: (Leontopithecus rosalia) type omnivorous, it feeds both fruits and insects, spiders and small lizards.Mostly due to deforestation, is a species in danger of extinction among the wildlife Amazon. •anteater: with a tongue of more than 50 cm in length, the Anteater is professional in swallowing ants and termites with amazing speed.An adult above a1.30 meters long and weigh 140 libras
•Otter: It is a species extinct in the Amazon River. Being the variety more big kind, can develop up to two meters long with a weight of 70 lbs.Feeds mainly on fish, small reptiles, and birds.
•Caprincho: carpincho or capybara is the largest rodent in the world.It reaches up to about 70 cm in height and weighing approximately 100 pounds.Given its wealth in meat is another species of threatened Amazon fauna, both natives of the Amazon and the rest of the fauna Amazon is an excellent swimmer that lives and sleeps mostly on the water, feeding on aquatic vegetation, herbs, melons and pumpkins
•Toucan: It is perhaps the most famous in the world. With a short and thick neck, what identifies it is his long and colorful peak in ranges from black, blue, red, white, and combinations of them.It comes to develop up to 70 cm in height.
•Macaw: the birds of the Parrot family belong or parrots, with a life cycle that reaches 75 years.The variety Scarlet (Scarlet Macaw) is in danger of extinction in the Amazon jungle due to hunting, smuggling and also for being a victim of deforestation Amazon.
•Amazon pink Dolphin: one of the creatures most beautiful and friendly which lives in the Amazon River, which is surrounded by myths and legends of the jungle and its inhabitants.
•Electric eel: Is actually a variety of fish, not of Anguilla, which up to a size of more than two meters as an adult and a weight of 60 pounds. Download the electrical which produces, even eight hours after death, can stun a man
•Pirana: maybe the creature is most feared Amazonas.Sin River be important in size, their teeth have a razor's edge and they can separate the meat from the bone in a matter of seconds
•Caiman black: is the predator more large among the Amazon fauna, without enemies more than the man.As adult size can exceed six meters in length and weigh more than 3,000 pounds.Their food is very wide and varied, both piranhas, otters, Capybaras as human beings, although they rarely attack man.
•Anaconda: anaconda belongs to the type of boa constrictor, it strangles its prey and then devours it whole, without chewing. Digestion can take several weeks, according to the size of its prey.It has the property of grow during its lifetime, reaching up to 12 meters in length and a weight of 600 pounds
•Jaguar: among the most silent and deadly animals belonging to the Hunter Amazonica.proverbial fauna that can swim, climb trees as run after its prey.Its size is approximately two meters in length and a weight of 250 lbs
•Poison arrow frog: very small in size, although its venom is the most powerful known by man, capable of killing up to 100 people.As much as curare, its poison has been traditionally used by Amazon natives for hunting, by embedding tip their arrows and blowguns.